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These articles, tutorials, and templates are available without membership. Join SOISA for more like these, plus scripts, playbooks and playbook templates, free tools and tool reviews, and more. Cybersecurity needs a team these days. Join the SOISA team to share and boost the security of your organization!


Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures are reports of products, software, and services that have confirmed vulnerabilities, complete with description and severity ratings.
This database has over 8700 pages (that's more than 174,000 CVEs) of vulnerabilities in Windows, Linux, MacOS, Andriod, iOS, routers, databases, software packages, control devices, and more.

Image of business man accessing technology skills with a tablet computer

YOU HAVE a jillion things to do to keep your organization humming. What's the best use of your time and budget when it comes to cybersecurity?

Industry Report
Cover image of cyber landscape with arcs connecting several points

This article, How cyberattacks are changing according to new Microsoft Digital Defense Report, explains alarming trends in the effectiveness and pervasiveness of cyber attacks. The bad guys are getting better.


Free Resources: Industry Reports

Free Resources: How-To