Create Membership Application

Thank you for applying to join SOISA, a business benefit non-profit organization. Member dues cover operational costs as well as the direct development of content that helps your organization and others become more secure with a priority on time efficiency and low costs. Please complete the membership application form below. Our staff will review applications weekly and contact you if any additional information is needed to complete your application.

Membership Dues Schedule

Dues are collected annually and are currently $799/year. No dues are collected at the time of membership application; you'll be contacted with payment options once your membership is approved. SOISA membership will save your IT team, executive team, and operations team at least 40 hours per year of research, trial-and-error configuration, report writing, policy development, and cybersecurity skills development. Cybersecurity and IT professionals cost $80/hr at a minimum, so 40 hours would be $3,200. It's like getting niched cybersecurity information at less than one-quarter the cost! Not to mention the added security and lowered risk for your organization when you implement the recommendations and processes recommended for your networks and systems. Come join us, and help everyone be more secure!

We will never call you with solicitations. We may call you if we have any questions about your application or need additional information to complete processing your membership.
If you consult with or work for multiple organizations, choose one to name here.
Select the role that most matches the kind of information you'd like to see. Business management information, for example, would focus on risk management and high-level, bottom-line decisions. IT/Networking Professional content assumes networking and operating systems knowledge but not cybersecurity niche knowledge. Business operators run systems and have some technical and software savvy, but aren't at the technical level of IT professionals.
If you already have cyber security settings, policy templates, scripts, tools, tutorials, case studies, examples, appliance tricks, research, or product reviews to contribute, please give us some information about that here. SOISA thrives when members share with other members to help everyone do more in less time. Do you have something you've done to help security at your organization that you could share with SOISA members?

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