IKEA cyberattacked via compromised organizations and partners

Small and medium businesses often wonder why they would be the targets of a cyber attack when they hold little or no "valuable" data, don't have loads of cash for ransoms, and don't have cyber insurance (to fund ransom payments). The answer is that the SMB networks and accounts are used to launch further attacks on large organizations. These organizations have beefed up their cybersecurity on their servers and network connections, and thus can often thrawt or defend against direct, front-door cyber attacks.

So now cyber adversaries are using trusted connections between vendors and partner companies to get their malware and phishing emails past the cyber defenses. And they want your network and accounts so that they can do that.

News Article, November 26, 2021: IKEA email systems hit by ongoing cyberattack

The above article describes exactly what this kind of attack looks like.

Take action today: learn more about cybersecurity for your organization.