SMB Stats (2019): 43% of successful cyber attacks involve small organizations

The Verizon 2019 Data Breach Investigations Report has the latest figures, and small businesses and organizations have recently become bigger targets.

43% of the breaches in 2018 involved small businesses or organizations.

With big businesses ramping up their cyber security defenses, small organizations have become the new low-hanging fruit for hackers. It isn't always for money or data, many times it is to get access from your business computers and infrastructure: not only do they get access to the vendor accounts of the business, they can use the business's computers and assets to launch attacks so their identity is hidden.

It's more important than ever that small organizations make cyber security part of their normal business practices. You don't have to spend a lot of money on fancy software and appliances: most of the breaches into small organizations were because of misconfigurations, password simplicity and re-use, and lack of patching systems with updates. Simple changes in the regular attention to a few details can move your organization out of the low-hanging-fruit zone.

That's where SOISA comes in. We develop and share specific, simple, actionable cybersecurity information that is tailored for small organizations, helping each other and spreading the costs over many members. This makes quality, tailored information affordable and timely.